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NightOwlGPT is a revolutionary AI-driven desktop and mobile application designed to preserve endangered languages and bridge the digital divide in marginalized communities worldwide. By offering real-time translation, cultural competence, and interactive learning tools, NightOwlGPT safeguards linguistic heritage and empowers users to thrive in the global digital landscape. While our initial pilot focuses on the Philippines, our broader strategy targets global expansion, beginning with regions in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and extending to every corner of the world where linguistic diversity is at risk.


Our mission is to democratize AI technology to ensure inclusivity across all languages. We are committed to leveraging advanced artificial intelligence to provide equitable access to digital resources, preserve endangered languages, and foster cultural diversity. By making our technology accessible and culturally relevant, we aim to empower marginalized communities, bridge the digital divide, and protect the rich linguistic heritage of our global society.


Our vision is to create a world where every language thrives and every community is digitally connected. We envision a future where linguistic diversity is celebrated and preserved, and where advanced technology seamlessly integrates with cultural heritage to empower individuals across the globe. Through innovation and inclusivity, we aim to build a global digital landscape where every voice is heard, every culture is respected, and every language has the opportunity to flourish for generations to come.

Status of Living Languages








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Every Voice Must Be Heard

At NightOwlGPT, our purpose is to illuminate the world's linguistic and cultural tapestry by preserving endangered languages and bridging the digital divide. We are dedicated to safeguarding linguistic heritage and empowering marginalized communities through cutting-edge AI technology that provides real-time translation, cultural competence, and interactive learning tools.

By focusing initially on the Philippines and expanding our reach to Asia, Africa, Latin America, and beyond, we strive to ensure that every language has a future and every community is digitally connected. Through our efforts, we aim to prevent the erosion of cultural identities and create a more inclusive global digital landscape where every voice can be heard and valued.

Our Values


We are dedicated to ensuring that every language and every individual has access to the digital resources they need. We embrace diversity and work to eliminate barriers, providing equitable opportunities for all, regardless of linguistic or geographic background.

Cultural Preservation

We value the rich tapestry of global languages and cultures. Our mission is to protect and celebrate this heritage, recognizing that each language carries unique histories, traditions, and knowledge that are crucial to our collective human experience.

Educational Empowerment

We believe that education is a fundamental right and a powerful tool for change. By offering learning resources in native languages, we aim to enhance comprehension, drive academic success, and empower individuals to achieve their full potential.


We are committed to harnessing the latest advancements in AI technology to deliver effective, user-friendly solutions. Our innovative approach ensures that our platform remains at the forefront of digital and educational tools, continuously evolving to meet the needs of our users. 

Ethical Responsibility

We operate with integrity and transparency, making decisions that are in the best interest of the communities we serve. Our commitment to ethical practices guides our interactions, partnerships, and the development of our technology.


We believe in the power of working together to achieve common goals. By partnering with local communities, educators, and technologists, we foster a collaborative environment that enhances the impact of our initiatives and drives collective progress.


We are dedicated to creating long-lasting solutions that have a positive impact on both people and the planet. Our efforts are focused on ensuring that our work supports sustainable development and fosters resilience in the face of challenges.

"With NightOwlGPT, we’re not just preserving languages; we’re preserving identities, cultures, and the invaluable wisdom of communities often overlooked in the digital age."

- Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo, Founder

What We Stand For?

NightOwlGPT understands that language is more than just a means of communication—it's a vessel of cultural identity, a key to educational success, and a gateway to digital inclusion. Our insight is that while technology has the power to bridge gaps, it often overlooks marginalized communities and their unique linguistic needs. We recognize that preserving endangered languages and making education accessible in native languages are critical to fostering true inclusivity and empowerment.
By addressing these needs with innovative AI solutions, we not only preserve invaluable cultural heritage but also enhance educational outcomes and digital engagement for underserved populations.

NightOwlGPT’s approach is grounded in the belief that linguistic diversity enriches our global society and that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive in a world that respects and understands their unique identity.

What's Happening?

Endangered Languages

Worldwide, nearly half of all living languages—3,045 out of 7,164—are endangered, with up to 95% at risk of extinction by the end of the century.

Digital Exclusion

Marginalized communities across the globe often lack access to digital resources in their native languages, which exacerbates social and economic inequalities.

Cultural Loss

The extinction of languages equates to the loss of cultural heritage, identity, and critical communication channels for millions of people worldwide.

Preserve Endangered Languages Globally

Foster Global Inclusivity

Scale Across Continents

Preserve Endangered Languages Globally

Foster Global Inclusivity

Scale Across Continents

Our Solution

Why We Stand Out?

NightOwlGPT stands apart by combining advanced AI technology with a deep commitment to preserving linguistic and cultural heritage. Unlike other educational and translation tools, NightOwlGPT is uniquely designed to address the dual challenges of endangered languages and digital exclusion. Our platform not only provides real-time translation and interactive learning in a wide range of languages, but it also integrates cultural competence to ensure that educational content is meaningful and contextually relevant.
Additionally, NightOwlGPT’s focus on marginalized communities, starting with the Philippines and expanding globally, underscores our dedication to inclusivity and sustainability. We bridge the digital divide by making high-quality educational resources accessible in vernacular languages, empowering learners who are traditionally underserved. This holistic approach ensures that every language and culture has a future, making NightOwlGPT not just a tool, but a catalyst for global educational equity and linguistic preservation.

Meet Our Founder

Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo


This is the space to introduce the team and what makes it special. Describe the team culture and work philosophy. To help site visitors connect with the team, add details about team members’ experience and skills.

Sofía Zarama Valenzuela
Sofía Zarama Valenzuela

Mohammed Adjei Sowah
Mohammed Adjei Sowah

Adolfo Argüello Vives
Adolfo Argüello Vives

Paulina Porwollik
Paulina Porwollik

Imran Zarkoon
Imran Zarkoon

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